
Instant Pot Duo vs Duo Nova: Which is Better?

Instant Pot Duo vs Duo Nova: Which is Better?

Instant Pot Duo vs Duo Nova: Which is Better? The company designed each program based on extensive testing to help you create amazing results. To help you go deeper in your research into the Duo Nova and Duo, here is a side-by-side comparison of the two models. This comparison includes the appliances combined in each model, smart programs, and size options. The Instant Pot Duo Nova is a newer model from Instant Brands, as it was released in August 2019. It also combines 7 kitchen appliances while speeding up your cooking time. The Instant Pot Duo Nova gives you the option of releasing the steam manually or naturally. Although there are cook times and plenty of recipes available online, they don’t always work the same for all the Instant Pot models. They’re a good starting point but you’ll need to be comfortable with a bit of trial and error in the first few weeks of using any Instant Pot. Please visit /support/register to register your new Instant Brands™ appliance. Now that we’ve given a brief overview of the key similarities and differences between the Instant Pot models, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each one. If you’re still on the fence about which Instant Pot is for you, then this section will hopefully be a big help. In this section, we’re going to put our two Instant Pot models head to head across a wide range of categories. instant pot duo nova It’s considered their “classic” model and is one of their earlier versions. One of the most difficult things to decide when buying an Instant Pot Duo Nova is which size you’ll need for your family. The 6-quart size is the most popular one and many recipes are written for this Instant Pot size as well. If you’re only cooking for 1-2 people, then opt for the smaller 3-quart size. If, on the other hand, you have a big family, love leftovers or enjoy entertaining, then going with the 8- or 10-quart size is a good idea.
First off, the rubber gasket on the lid is easily removable, and the lid itself is a single piece. This makes cleaning and drying easier than some other models that use two-piece lids designs that introduce nooks and crannies where water and gunk can hide. This makes it a bit harder to scrub clean than many of its non-stick counterparts but also means it can unequivocally go in a dishwasher.